Answering Your Questions About a Glass Pool Fence

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Most cities require some type of fencing around a pool, and glass fencing can often be the best option. Glass won't get damaged by pool water or chemicals and allows you to always have a full view of the pool so you can keep an eye on children or guests. Glass panels also help to insulate against noise from neighbours and will block some debris that would otherwise wind up in the pool. If you're considering a glass pool fence for your home, note a few questions you might have about this style of fence, and then discuss this choice with a fence installer as needed.

Is a glass fence a DIY installation job?

While you may be able to install a hurricane fence on your own, glass is a bit more complicated to install properly. If the panels are not connected to their clamps properly, the panels can then sway or even rub up against each other. Glass fence panels may also be heavier than you assume, making it easier to drop one during the installation process.

Note, too, that any pool fence needs to meet certain local building codes; the wrong height of glass, or the wrong type, can mean that your new fence doesn't meet those codes. In turn, you could face fines from your city, or may need to remove the fence and replace it. To avoid these risks, have a professional install your glass pool fence.

Can a glass pool fence be installed in the dirt?

Because of the weight of the glass panels, a concrete footer often needs to be poured into soft soil to hold them. This footer typically doesn't need to be very wide, but just large enough to hold the clamps for the panels, so it shouldn't detract from the look of the fence. Because of the small size of this footer, don't assume that a glass fence is not an option if you want it installed on grass or soil.

Will the glass show water marks?

While glass is very durable against pool water and chemicals, it may show some water marks, depending on how close the glass is to the pool and the type of coating used for the glass. You might discuss your options with a fencing contractor, noting that you want a glass fence for a pool in particular, and he or she might recommend a glass that's been coated with a water repellent. This can keep those water marks and other such stains to a minimum, and make cleaning the glass easier on you.

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About Me

Finding the Right Fence Hello! My name is Richard. If you are planning to install a new fence on your property, you should read on and check out my articles below. I spent a long time investigating the best types of fence. I had noticed that my wooden fence was starting to rot so I wanted to replace it with something more sturdy. My brother, who works in the fencing business gave me some spectacular advice which helped me to choose a metal fence. Now that it has been installed, I couldn't be happier. I hope you like my blog and that it helps you to find the right fence.

